Thursday, 21 September 2017

Inspiration Tuesday 22

Copyright: I take no credit for the photos shared, copied from ballerina's mentioned

I try to share an Inspiration Tuesday on my blog when the day pops around, with the aim of providing some mid week inspiration. I am working on having more consistency on these posts on my blog. However, I thought I would spice things up a bit this Inspiration Tuesday and share some adult ballerina's that have inspired me on Instagram. 

I wish on most days that I could just visit them and talk Inspiration and all things ballet over a cup of coffee.

So for this week here are my inspirational ballerina's:
@allie_on_pointe - I have felt inspired on so many days by how this ballerina manages a full time job as an audiologist, adult ballerina and other fun interests in her life. I have been really touched by how open and frank she is about struggles we can all relate to being an adult ballerina. I am especially inspired by how this lady took the time to create a FaceBook page to get us all together in one safe space sharing what we love. 

@sashaspiraling - I am inspired by this ballerina in so many ways, one in particular is that no physical hindrance (a hip replacement) has stopped this lady from putting on her pointe shoes and dancing. I have been reminded that to truly enjoy our passion we don't have to be perfect in technique or have the perfect training background, we just need to live out that passion and take every opportunity to dance.

@katielana - This ballerina has literally appeared in my life like a colourful rainbow of inspiration, kindness and wonder. I have been inspired to use my dance to share kindness, love and positivity through this lady. With everything that happens on social media and in the world; I have been reminded that sometimes you bump into someone and wonder how your social media ever survived without their ray of loveliness. 

The above mentioned ladies are happy with this being shared on here and the blog's Instagram page. See for yourself what inspirational ballerina's they are, my Instagram handle is @todancewithgrace or check out their Instagram pages for yourself.

Share your inspirational Instagram accounts by blog post,comment on my Instagram page or by email at:

Love to all xx

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