Saturday 3 September 2022

Dance niche


It is 03 September 2022, the last time I posted on my blog was in 2020.

My goodness, it feels like I have lived a whole life since then. I have had writer’s block for quite a while too but while messaging a friend today, a fellow dancer, I finally found the words for this dance season of my life.

I named it dance niche because niche means a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment.

For so long I felt like I wasn’t a proper ballerina if I wasn’t having regular class, working strictly on technique and working towards my teachers qualification.

But I have never felt more fulfilled dancing after work, in the quiet of a hall, once a week with myself and an online class.

I have missed those classes in my holidays but I haven’t put pressure on myself to do classes at home. I have still danced spontaneously, every so often, for a few seconds. 

I’m finding dance my way and I’m not jealous of anyone, I’m not sad it’s not a certain way and because there’s no pressure on myself, I do it and it’s in my life consistently.

I struggled for so many years to fit dance into my life and to feel like I belonged and that I was serious about what I do. I put my dancing aside in some of my bleakest moments but the spontaneous dancing, usually in the kitchen, never stopped.

It’s the most fulfilled and happy I have been in my dancing for a long time.


Saturday 14 March 2020

Dance soldiers rallying round

I initially saved this blog post title when the dance world sadly experienced a grown, professional, popular woman sit and savagely mock a young boy for doing ballet.

The world was more mortified that this woman could do this on a public platform to a young boy rather than be mortified that this young boy was in fact, a future King.

I was infuriated by what people think is appropriate to say and do and equally as mad at how quickly the tone changes when forced to apologise. However, we can not judge a person's sincerity or the true state of a person's heart.
The thing that really enamoured my heart was how dancers and dance lovers, young, old, different races and religion, we all jumped up and defended this young boy and shed a very important light on the fact that Men Dance. It fills me with the biggest pride and delight when humanity stands up, supports and just loves humanity - its what we are supposed to do.

The reason I birthed this blog is because I wanted a platform to inspire people who are dancers or dance lovers. I wanted a beautiful escape from a sometimes very difficult reality where only inspiration and love for our artform can be enjoyed on my space.

In the 5! years I have had this blog I have endured some of the most challenging personal times, sometimes reflected in how little I have posted in a year. I like to think I have maintained a positive and inspiring space throughout it all.

Back to how I love to see us dance soldiers rallying around in support. I have seen it time and time again where we have jumped up to defend various topics in our dance world and where humanity has simply provided a virtual hug to a stranger very much in need. We are all to aware of the terrible difficulties the dance world faces, what dancers continuously go through and what us dance lovers ,who aren't dancing, go through too.

I have had to take a step back and limit my constant exposure on social media at present due to the anxiety surrounding the Coronavirus. The reason why I have mentioned this topic is the fact I saw some of the most beautiful support yet again by our dance world.

Some dancers are in the habit and rely on 1-3 or even 4 dance classes a week, sadly due to social restrictions some schools have had to close for a period.
There are teachers who have rallied together and have live streamed classes for dancers to have the opportunity to still take classes at home, on different days as well, which helps people who might still have to work in this time.

I thought I would finish off my blog post with an idea I got, partly from a phone conversation with my sister the other day, partly while typing this post.
Why don't you reach out to a dance friend or a dance stranger online you have befriended and ask them where they take dance class. Then go online or email the dance school and ask if you can buy a gift card/voucher for one dance class that you know your friend takes.
That way the dance school is supported because as an independent business they might run at a loss if they need to close unexpectedly. They might still run at a loss though if students decide to limit their class attendance and this money will make a difference at that moment.

Your dance friend also has a gift you know they received and they can use it when things might be difficult for them or they can re-gift it to someone they know, who might be in need in their area.

For fellow dance lovers, who for various reasons aren't in class, show your support by gifting them a gift card/voucher for an online, independent, dance business in their town/country. They might really need that dance t-shirt, leg warmers or would like some new dance shoes they can put on and admire. Independent businesses will need our support too.

Let me know what's really shown you dancers supporting dancers/dance lovers recently and if you do decide to gift on any of my suggestions, let me know by blog comment. Kindness makes me really happy!

If you decide you really can't financially or practically do anything to help, that too is ok, say prayers if your religion or belief asks of it, I am a Christian so I'm praying, or be positive in any way feels right to you.

Dancers and dance lovers you are loved, keep dancing and this season shall pass xx  


Saturday 11 January 2020

New mini project

I have an exciting mini project I’m looking to launch soon.

The aim is to become more consistent, get myself in a good routine and keep my content new and creative. I also thought this project will be a wonderful way of celebrating a love and passion of mine.

I’m going to release a collection of photographs by blog post. All ballet/dance related to keep us dancers and dance lovers inspired. There will be 7 collections each released one by one with a surprise at the end of the entire collection.

I hope you will enjoy the slight new look I bring in with this whole collection and that you celebrate it with me, I also hope you wait around for the surprise at the end.

Thank you for reading, being patient in my months of not being active and for sharing my love of dance. 
Share your thoughts with me by blog comment or email on:

Love to all xx

Saturday 19 October 2019

The autumn dance

Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day. 
Shira Tamir

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Dance still

Copyright: Not my image, copied from Pinterest

Over 4 months since my last post and I’m back. I think with life, it’s important to take time away from our life habits and the routine, when we feel we need to focus on ourselves and our health.
The past few months have been one of incredible hardship and the only reason for sharing this is to encourage others that in our world of perfect social media accounts and perfectly taken and filtered photos we often feel we shouldn’t struggle.

It’s ok to go through hardships as we are all humans living real life, but it’s important that we realise the storms will pass and it’s important to focus on the beauty that’s still very much there when we struggle; the rainbows in the storm.

Keep your goals and dreams at the front of your mind as it’s easy to forget them when life feels like it’s trying to drown you. If appropriate, talk to someone you trust as this can give you perspective too.  The above quote is my favourite and has reminded me of many dreams of mine and encouraged me to keep on when life has been tough.

Through some of my most challenging months the amount of beautiful rainbows I have seen in the sky, some seconds before they disappeared, have been uncountable. Whatever you believe fellow dancers or dance lovers, that means something significant!

Love to all xx

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Cantique book review

I made the biggest mistake, reading this beautiful book on public transport on route to work! 
I can count at least 4 times where I absolutely sobbed. Beautiful isn’t even the right word to sum up this book! It is a masterpiece of great worth.

This book is so much more than just a novel, it came into my life at such a perfect time. Firstly I am 28 years of age, this book detailed my exact feelings of doubt,inadequacy, frustration at dreams not reached and feelings of being stuck.
The words in this book where a balm of reassurance, the kindness I don’t always have for myself and the reminder that the plans for my life aren’t forgotten.

This book allowed me to finally accept that the year and a half I took off ballet to heal health wise was the right choice and that I didn’t loose my passion or love for ballet. It remained and it remained deep within my heart. I wish I could explain just how touching the part was where they did the Cantique Pas - I cried so much, it was so beautifully written I saw the dance in my mind.

This book healed and affirmed so much. If all books where this life changing I would need a mansion just to contain the library.

*amended age since initial review written*

To get your own copy go to Joanna’s website here: 
Share your thoughts by blog comment or by email on:

Sunday 14 October 2018

Inspiration for All

Copyright: Not my image,image copied from Pinterest

I am incredibly honoured that my sister took the time to sit and write this post. She is a fellow dance lover and creative and her view is so important even though she isn’t a dancer. I am aware this written piece coming from a lady that has many allowances and privileges might offend some in today’s world, but this inspiration community created through To Dance With Grace is for anyone who has something to say, as long as it is kind.
I hope you are as inspired as I was reading it and that you share the love of dancing with other dancers and dance lovers.

I recently got invited to watch the Vienna Festival Ballet perform Swan Lake at a small theatre in North London, and it was simply exquisite. I think Swan Lake has to be my most favourite ballet to watch. 
So just a little bit about me, I am not a dancer – I am just someone who draws energy from creative spaces. I often call myself an introvert as I desperately need my own space to recharge after social interactions, except when it comes to creative spaces. I could spend hours watching dance, singing, drama, public speaking etc. and be all in and engaged with a wide group of people. I guess this comes from my drama background, I’m captivated seeing someone use their creative gifts.

I’ve learnt to love ballet in a special way through my sister who dances. She’ll always be the most exquisite ballerina and yes, I am entitled to bias ðŸ˜Š

Back to the ballet, I came out that small theatre feeling revived but challenged deeply. Challenged? Yes, can I be the one that asks where is the ethnic diversity in ballet? It’s 2018, we cannot keep excusing it any longer. It’s starting to feel like the elephant in the room…
Every single ethnicity on earth can dance. Dance is everywhere. It may not look like the dance you are used to, but we cannot excuse its importance to that ethnicity, culture, heritage or individual.

Dance has this beauty of breaking boundaries. It is a well-trained host that invites everyone in to watch and take hold of it’s full beauty and grandeur. We need to invite it onto the stage perhaps?
I LOVE that we have Hiplet taking the world by storm and I really, really hope their platform opens the door wide open for more diversity in the ballet world.
I hold hope that it will!! 

The Vienna Festival Ballet poured their entire heart into the performance I saw, it made me well up with tears so many times. I thoroughly enjoyed being a guest to their table of creativity. I will never ever get used to seeing people pour their talents so freely to a crowd of complete strangers – to every single dancer, thank you for permanently leaving your mark on our hearts in a very special way.

Dance on my loves – your magic knows no bounds…
“Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free.” ― Rumi

With love 

Let us know what you think and how this has inspired you by blog comment or by email on:

* Written piece used with permission *